24 junho, 2008

Dos Chapéus

Just a dream. I was walking in the woods, don't know why... The wind came up and blew my hat off...

And you chased it, right? You ran and ran and finally you caught up to it and picked it up but it wasn't a hat anymore. It had changed into something else - something wonderful.

No. It stayed a hat. And no I didn't chase it. I watched it blow away...

... Nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat...

Miller's Crossing - J. & E. Cohen

17 junho, 2008

Viaticum Azul - Negro Profundo

Esbjorn Svensson (1964 - 2008)

02 junho, 2008

Barcelona, 14 de Julho de 2008

Pela primeira vez desde o inicio deste recôndito espaço virtual, por onde estórias e desabafos diversos têm, a soluços, serenamente escoado, vou, sem pedir qualquer tipo de desculpas, entusiásticamente exceder-me...

It's Glitter and Doom time!...
